Happy new year! The following are the work we completed from the past two weeks.
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- Facebook page photo albums solution: You may now change the background color, font color and link color of pop up. These options are found under the Pop-up tab.
- Google reviews solution: You may now sort reviews by Review text. It means, at the top of the feed, it will show all reviews with text first. All reviews with start will be shown at the bottom of the feed. This option can be found under the Reviews tab.
- For the following solutions, videos will now play automatically on the pop-up.
- Facebook page playlists solution
- Facebook page videos solution
- For the following solutions, you may now change the background color, font color and link color of pop up. These options are found under the Colors tab.
- Facebook page event (one event) solution
- YouTube playlists solution
- Facebook Page videos solution
- Medium publication feed solution
- Twitter feed solution
- Facebook group events solution
- Facebook group event (one event) solution
- Google Play reviews solution
- Bandsintown Events solution
- The following solutions now have step-by-step text tutorials. Click the links to view.
- The following solutions now have video tutorials for Wix users. Click the links to watch.
- The following solutions now have a video tutorial for Squarespace users. Click the links to watch.
- Twitter hashtag feed solution: When an API response is empty, it shows a syntax error on the console. We added an error handler to prevent this.
- Facebook page posts solution: Unwanted HTML tags were appearing if a post has many hashtag links. They are now removed.
- Instagram feed solution: We made improvements on the look of the pop-up. Post details are now on the right side. It works on a desktop view. Navigation arrows are now outside the pop-up. Arrows and indicators for posts with multiple items are now inside the image.
- Facebook page videos solution: The next and previous arrows on the pop up are now aligned vertically with more visibility.
- Facebook group events solution: Unwanted white background on the event title in pop-up has been removed. It now follows the background color from the pop-up settings.
- Private Instagram feed solution: Profile description and website URL are now at the same line to save space and make it more readable.
- Facebook page posts solution: Wee added the likes count, comments count and Facebook link icon on the pop-up.
- Instagram feed solution: Columns are now automatically set to two if the container size is small or in the mobile view. This will make your posts instantly more viewable.
- For the following solutions, the default layout is now the Masonry layout. We believe this layout looks better. You can always change it in the layout option under the Reviews tab.
- Google Play reviews solution
- Google reviews solution
- Facebook page photo albums solution: On desktop and tablet view, we improved the responsiveness of profile information. The space at the top and bottom of the likes count is now reduced. The description is now properly aligned to the left. The like button was moved below the description.
- The following solutions now have demo pages. Click the links to view.
- Bandsintown events solution: We removed options that are not applicable to this solution.
- Event Item: Show event image. Show full image
- Month View: Show event image on calendar
- Pop up: Show image
- Instagram feed solution: We made the following improvements on the pop up of this solution.
- Multi-post navigation buttons are now a circle with a white background and arrow inside.
- Multi-post indicators now look like the Instagram post indicators.
- Font size follows the one set on the Default font size option.
- We replaced the follow button with a follow text like the one on Instagram.
- The @ sign in the username is now removed.
- The close (x) button was moved to the upper right corner.
- The post description was moved to the right side of the image. It can be scrolled up and down if your post description is long.
- Facebook group event solution: Event count option was removed because it is not applicable to this solution.
- Instagram feed solution: Pop-up link color is now working on hashtag links.
- Facebook page posts solution: Unwanted space in album-type of a post is now removed. We reduced the font size of the photos count. Navigation arrows on pop are now centered.
- Twitter feed solution: On the Maagap theme, the feed background color is now white. The post background color is now dark.
- Twitter feed solution: Post link color is now being applied to all tweets.
- Twitter hashtag solution: Post link color is now working on hashtags and links Twitter posts.
- Twitter hashtag feed solution: On the selected color theme, the proper post background color is now being applied.
- Twitter hashtag solution: On the Maayos theme, the feed background color is now white. The post background color is now dark.
- Google Play reviews solution: Unaligned arrows on the review pop-up is now fixed.
- Private Instagram feed & Instagram feed solution: Fixed an issue where the profile description was missing after syncing.
- Medium publication feed solution: Fixed an issue where post count is being set to 1 when the Save changes button was clicked. Post count now stays as-is.
- Facebook group event (one event) solution: Unnecessary console messages generated by our Javascript code has been removed.
- Google Play and Google reviews solution: Fixed an issue where both the Maayos theme’s feed background color and post color are both dark. The feed background color is now light.
- SociableKIT dashboard: Fixed an issue in the customize page where the font of the dashboard changes every time you select a font on the drop-down.
- Facebook page events solution: Date picker is now showing if Show date picker option was checked. Thanks to Guowei of Resorts World Malaysia for reporting this issue!
- Medium publication solution: The demo page is now working on Internet Explorer 11 browser.
- Facebook page reviews solution: The slider-layout demo page is now working on Internet Explorer 11 browser.
- Facebook page events solution: Fixed an issue where default font size was not being applied to event date and location. Thanks to Tholstrup of Vibeke for reporting this issue!
- Private Instagram solution: Navigation arrows on pop up are now vertically centered.
- Facebook page photo albums solution: Fixed an issue where every time a user clicks the “Load more albums” button, it shows the same photos from the first load. It is now showing the correct next page photos. Thanks to Kooymans of Bolero Club for reporting this issue!
- Facebook page events solution: When the Transparent option under the Color tab was clicked, it now sets the correct transparent background color.
- Facebook page event solution: When the user tries to change a theme, the event details go under the event image. This is fixed. Event details now stay to the right side of the event image.
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