- New solution: Customize and embed Medium Publication Feed on your website. See example. Available on the custom feed dropdown.
- Enhancement: Facebook page events– added Dutch translation for calendar.
- Enhancement: Facebook page events – added “ATTACH” property with event image URL on the iCal feed.
- Enhancement: Instagram Feed – info message if Instagram account does not exist.
- Enhancement: Facebook page feed – info message if Facebook page is not public.
- Enhancement: Facebook page reviews – info message if Facebook page access token is wrong.
- Enhancement: Facebook page photo albums – info message if Facebook page username is wrong.
- New feature: Facebook page events – “Show only future events on ICS file” option on “Calendar” tab.
- New feature: Facebook page events – iCal feeds now working on Outlook calendar and Invision calendar.
- New feature: Instagram multi-hashtag feed – show feed based on multiple hashtag word, for example pinkhair,colorista
- New feature: Instagram hashtag feed – multi-hashtag feed can block users by username instead of post owner ID.
- New feature: Re-send DSM key – useful if you forgot your DSM key.
- New feature: Facebook page feed, Instagram feed, Facebook page reviews – Option to force “One column layout” instead of masonry.
- Fixed: Facebook page events – duplicate events on calendar view when multiple Facebook page has the same events.
- Fixed: Instagram hashtag feed – selected font not applied on pop up description.
- Fixed: YouTube playlist feed – custom CSS not working.
- Updated: Several updates on admin section to serve you better – customer management system, stats, etc.
- Updated: Upgrading from free trial – automatically use the same key and custom feeds after an upgrade.
- Updated: Login page links – resend DSM key, start free-trial, buy DSM key links.
- Updated: Solutions page.
DSM Website of the week!
Our website of the week is www.khabirsouthwick.com!
This website is about Khabir Southwick who has helped thousands of people to naturally overcome a wide range of health conditions and improve their physical and mental well-being.
www.khabirsouthwick.com used several DSM custom feed solutions and you can see it in these pages on his website:
- YouTube channel feed
- Facebook page events feed
- Facebook page feed & Twitter feed on the homepage, see lower right sidebar.