Table of Contents
There are two ways to embed Facebook Page Reviews on your website. The first method is using a website widget. The second method is using the embed or link option. I will show you the steps for each of those methods so you can decide which one is the best for you.
- Create your Facebook Page Reviews widget here.
- Customize your Facebook Page Reviews widget.
- Copy the Facebook Page Reviews widget embed code.
- Login to your Thunkable website admin panel and create or edit a page.
- Paste the embed code where you want the Facebook Page Reviews widget to appear.
- Save and view your page. Done!
That's easy! Embedding Facebook Page Reviews widget on your Thunkable website will take only 2 minutes. If you need a more detailed guide, scroll down to follow our complete guide or watch our video guide.
Looking to purchase our premium features? Please check the details on our pricing page here.
You can embed a Facebook page review on your website without using third-party plugins like SociableKIT. Follow the steps below.
- Go to your Facebook page.
- Click the "Reviews" tab.
- Select a review that you want to embed.
- On the upper right corner, click the three dots.
- Click the "Embed" option.
- On the popup, click the "Copy code" button.
- Paste the code on your website. Done!
As you may have noticed, this method can be time-consuming. You must repeat the manual process every time you have a new review. You cannot customize the look and feel of your review. It means the look cannot match your brand.
You don't need to deal with these issues if you use SociableKIT.
Create and customize your Facebook Page Reviews widget
The first part is creating your Facebook Page Reviews widget using the SociableKIT dashboard. Customize the look and feel to match your brand. Follow the steps below.
Sign up FREE or login to SociableKIT. You can login here if you already have an account. Once you sign up, you will start your 7-day premium trial. After 7 days, you can activate the free plan if you don't need our premium features.
Connect your Facebook page. Connect your Facebook account to select your target Facebook page on the dropdown. You need to be admin of the Facebook page you want to use. If your Facebook account is not yet connected, you will see this "Connect with Facebook" button. Click this button and follow Facebook's steps to connect your account.
Once connected, you will see this dropdown where you can select the Facebook page you want to use. - Paste the embed code and save your Thunkable website page. Please follow the second part below to add Facebook Page Reviews widget to your Thunkable website.
Add Facebook Page Reviews widget to your Thunkable website
The second part is adding your Facebook Page Reviews widget to your Thunkable website. After you customize your Facebook Page Reviews widget and copied the embed code, it is time to add it to your Thunkable website. Follow the steps below.
- Copy your free Facebook Page Reviews widget embed code. Make sure you followed the first part above. It detailed how to you can create and customize your widget to get your free embed code.
- Log in to your Thunkable. You can sign up for free in Thunkable and choose your logins by Google, Apple, or own email.
- Create an app by clicking "Start Building. You can create an app and view by website preview when you start building.
- Create a project. You can choose any category when creating an app by Sports, Foods and Culture, Business and many more!
- Click the "Web viewer" to add your code block on the Design Page. Drag it to empty space. You can modify the size of the Web Viewer to maximize the view of an app when you have already the widget of Sociable KIT on this part.
- Click the "Blocks" to go to your Blocks page then click Screen1 under the UI components. To trigger the Web viewer on your main screen. Take note, It depends on your preference whenever you want to see your embedded code.
- Then select the block on the first one.
- Select "Web_Viewer1" and the selection of blocks must shown. Select the green block with the description of "Set-Web_Viewer1 URL's to String" String(Pink Label) is the one you can paste your Java script Code on SociableKIT. To set the HTML tags using "set block".
- Add this text to the String before copying the Sociable KIT JavaScript code: data: text/html, then JavaScript Code on SociableKIT.
- Click the "Web Preview" on the upper right corner of your page. To view a result by web preview on android set-up.
- And done, The new window will appear, and the preview of your SociableKIT widget! You can modify this by adding some button or just the preview on your main screen or main page